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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Years : Resolutions!

Do you make any? Mine are generally pretty easy, and hinge on developing better habits.
This year the resolutions I have made are:
Take time to eat breakfast in the morning.
Take vitamins and calcium pills.
Brush and floss 2x daily.
Only go to coffee shops while hanging out with others.
No more Ramen for lunch.
Use this tool ( to see when I need to go to sleep, and follow it!
Personal goals:
Meet up with a home buyer person to help myself and the husband make some strides to owning our own home.
Have a successful pregnancy (2 failed so far, hoping for a good one..)

What you got? I will check in with you at the end of the year if you post something.. Even if you post in September - promise!!

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