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Monday, February 4, 2013

Manicure Monday : Pink

I don't usually color my nails pink. This week I did because it is coming up on Valentine's Week, and the Hubster likes me to be girly.

Do not get me wrong, I love make up, hair and nails. I just have not ever enjoyed pink, or dresses.

When it is something special, I will wear a dress. The first time I wore one was our first Birthday dinner for him. The bummer about being 'girly' is I enjoy heels, and with a dress, I feel I need them. The Hubster is only about 3 inches taller than I.

I wear about 3" heels. I wore a pair for our wedding as well.

Which makes me just as tall as he. And, makes me feel less girly. I am not sure if you have ever tried to find shorter than 3" heels. It can be quite a challenge.

Anywho, this week's color is Pink.
What do you do to try to be 'girly'?

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