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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Dinner : Chicken Enchiladas!

Let me just say, I have never made Enchiladas before.

They were actually really easy!  I used some shredded chicken that I had made before by putting a bunch of chicken breasts in the crock pot, and then shredding it all and freezing in roughly 3 cup portions.

So, on my way home today, I grabbed some enchilada sauce, and cheese at the store.  I had tortillas, salsa, beans, and some taco seasoning at home.

So what I did, was I took the chicken, mixed it with some salsa, taco seasoning and finely shreded cheese.  I poured some enchilada sauce on the bottom of the pan, and then I took the tortillas, added about a quarter cup of filling, and rolled them.  Put them seam side down in the sauce, until the pan was full.  Then I poured the rest of the enchilada sauce over them, and topped with cheese, glorious cheese.

I put them in the oven for about 20 minutes, covered, and then took the foil off for about 10 more minutes

While they were baking in the oven, I made some 'mexican style' rice from the box, and threw some corn in those.

Served them with some sour cream, and devoured.

I would like to say, they are really filling.  We will have left overs for a few days.  I don't know if they will freeze well, but hopefully we will be able to eat most of them before I throw them away.

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