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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Words for Wednesday : Doctor visit

I have been going to the same doctor since childhood, which I know is strange.

You see, when my mom first went when she was pregnant with my older sister she happened upon Dr. Vincent, he was doing his internship then.  She immediately fell in love with the fact that she felt like he actually listened to her, and addressed her concerns instead of pushing her out after the allotted 15 minutes.

Which is why all of her appointments last 45 if its a 15 minute appointment and an hour if it is a half hour appointment.

But I like him, and he knows ALL my family history, so I do not have to go through it, which is good, because I do not know it.

I went in, we had out appointment for my girly exam, was on the scale, was incredibly saddened by the number being 10lbs heavier than my wedding day, but decided to chalk it up to having ate and drinking beer before showing up, as I had just been out getting a pedicure and dinner with my little sister for her birthday.

So we left for the weekend, and when I checked the mail on Monday I was surprised to see a letter from the Dr.'s office already, because I had him test me for everything (like always).

I open it up, and it was a referral to speak with the nutritionist based on my BMI.


I have been consistently netting around 1250 calories a day for 3 weeks, going to the gym 3/4 times a week, and I have nothing to show for it.

Well, I have this piece of paper that says I really need to do something about this mess I have ate my way into.

I think it is an auto referral, he didn't have his signature anywhere on it.  I would hope he would say something to me while I was in there.. Bleh.

How do you stay motivated after a blow to your face?

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