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Friday, June 21, 2013

Recipe : Horchata

Have you ever had Horchata (pronounced - or-chata)? 

I recommend you try it.  I had never had it, ever, in my life.
Until now.

I enjoy watching cooking shows on PBS Saturday Mornings (when I am not out and about doing anything else), and there is was Mexico One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless show on.  (I see now it is on the Live Well Network

At any rate, I saw an episode a long time ago, where Rick talked about how fabulous Mexican Horchata is.  It goes great with a spicy carnitas burrito he said.  I was like whatever dude, you are a crazy nut berger.  Basically what it was that he had described, was a sweetened almond/rice milk. 

A few weeks later I ended up seeing a post on the America's Test Kitchen Feed, and was like.. well, what do we have here?  Sounds simple enough!

And it was.

So, basically what you do, is you take slivered almonds, rice, vanilla, cinnamon and water and combine them.  Let them soak 12-24 hours, pulse it in a blender until smooth-ish, and then strain it, mix it with some evaporated milk and sugar. 

And WHAM-O!  Throw it in a glass over ice, maybe an extra sprinkle of cinnamon, and you have a delicious glass of Horchata!


It was quite sweet with the amount of sugar they said to add, they noted you could add 2 less tablespoons if you do not like yours quite as sweet, but I am thinking like maybe cut the sugar in half, and it might be more adequate. 

I may have had it in the morning while I sat outside eating cinnamon-sugar toast.

DIY Horchata (Adapted from America's Test Kitchen)
Makes about 5 cups
  • 1 1/3 cups Slivered Almonds
  • 1 Teaspoon of Ground Cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/3 cup Long Grain Rice
  • 4 1/2 cups Water
  • 1 cup Evaporated Milk
  • 1/4 cup Granulated Sugar

  • Take the first 4 ingredients and put them in a blender, and put the lid on. Shake it around a little.  Let it sit for about 16 hours - up to 24.  (Please note I did mine for 24 hours, and it was about 70 degrees out - if it is warmer, you might want to shorten the time.)

    Line your strainer with some cheese cloth, put it over a large bowl and set aside. 
    After your almond rice mixture has set out long enough, turn on the blender, and blend that stuff up!  (You could probably use a Cuisinart, but I am not that fancy.) Blend the mixture until relatively smooth.  It took me almost a minute or so.
    Then pour the mix into the cheesecloth strainer set up you have going, let it strain itself out.  Once it has pretty much done it's work, take up the edges of the cheesecloth, and twist the cloth in a pouch to squeeze as much as the almond rice goodness out as you can.  Then toss the pulp packet out.
    Stir your almond/rice water mixture, evaporated milk and sugar together in a pitcher/bowl until the sugar is dissolved.  (you can add more sugar if you would like, or leave out a sugar bowl when serving it for individual tastes.)
    Then chill it for about 2 hours, and enjoy! 
    You can store leftover Horchata in a jar with a tight fitting lid for up to 3 days in the fridge.

    I will admit, I am pretty impatient, and I automatically put it in a glass over ice, tossed a little more cinnamon on it, and loved it up.


    1. Hey, girl! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I wanted to respond to your lovely comments through email, but you're showing up as one of those "no reply" bloggers. Not sure if you knew that, but if you didn't and want to get email responses from bloggers, there's an easy fix. Just Google it! Also... seeing as how you're Awesome Amy, I thought you would appreciate this sign I saw on Pinterest the other day: Pretty awesome, right?! Hope you're having a fabulous day!

    2. Oh, also, my husband and I LOVE America's Test Kitchen!
