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Friday, July 6, 2012

Well, Good Morning to Me!

Since July 4th fell in the middle of the week, I took the following Thursday and Friday off.  I asked the Boyfriend to do the same, but he said no.   His loss.

The Boyfriend and I spent July 4th doing nothing, and then eventually made our way to my Dad's/the neighbor boy's house.  The neighbor boy - is one of the Boyfriend's Best Friends, and the way we actually met.  The Boyfriend had to work, so he was drinking responsibly, I did not.  So yesterday I nursed my hangover by myself.

I eventually got myself together, and made it out the door to get my hair colored by my friend that I went to Beauty School with, and went back to my more natural dark hair - I love it! :)

When I woke up this morning with the boyfriend, (when I say wake up, I mean move to the couch and fall asleep again as I watch the different media/news channels) he was on his way out the door, and then he was taking forever.  I just blew it off, figured he forgot to tie his shoes or something, but then he came back upstairs, and gave me these:

How fantastic! Must have been all the complaining I did about not getting any flowers when we went to the Comedy Club. He didn't have to get me some now, but I do appreciate that he did!

The Boyfriend asked if he could take me out tonight, I said yes.  I don't even really care where we go.  We have my family reunion to go to tomorrow, so we probably won't stay out too late.  I have to go pick up the stuff to make individual cheesecakes to bring.  This family reunion is for my dad's mom's family.  I know no one there aside from my uncles and my cousin.  I wonder if my Aunt's family will show up.  This reunion only happens every other year.

Do you ever go to the reunions, even though you don't know anyone?  And do you then walk around introducing yourself?

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